As I write this we are in Kansas City basking in the afterglow of being a part of the last of 5 circuit riders schools ran this summer. These schools were a response to the word of the Lord that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. We teach the riders to how to preach the simple gosple, and set people free. With joyful repentance we fully embrace all of our lives being lined up to living out God's word and the cuture of the Kingdom for His glory! We saw over 900 salvations and 400 physical healings this summer. All of us who came out to these times were baptized in faith to see a great harvest. At the end of the school the the riders were throwing their shoes up on stage saying "We will go!" The Circuit Rider motto is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all. I highly recomment listening to the poscasts from the circuit riders schools @

This spring we so enjoyed our time at YWAM Herrnhut running a Fire & Fragrance DTS. Our students caught the fire quickly of God's love over their lives and passion for all to know Him! We believe God said to strike the ground in Europe. So, we sent our teams to the UK, Turkey and Eastern Europe. They have seen incredible fruit so far, including many souls saved! Taylor will be going back to Germany in September to graduate and debrief our DTS.